
Download [UdemyCourseDownloader] Artificial Intelligence Masterclass

UdemyCourseDownloader Artificial Intelligence Masterclass


[UdemyCourseDownloader] Artificial Intelligence Masterclass


Total Size

6.6 GB

Total Files




/12. The Final Run/

1. The Whole Implementation.mp4

286.9 MB

1. The Whole

29.0 KB

1. The Whole Implementation.vtt

25.5 KB

2. Download the whole AI Masterclass folder here.html

1.0 KB

2.1 AI

17.9 MB

3. Installing the required packages.mp4

166.4 MB

3. Installing the required

17.9 KB

3. Installing the required packages.vtt

15.3 KB

4. The Final Race Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence.mp4

131.2 MB

4. The Final Race Human Intelligence vs. Artificial

16.2 KB

4. The Final Race Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence.vtt

13.8 KB

5. THANK YOU bonus video.mp4

30.6 MB

5. THANK YOU bonus

2.4 KB

5. THANK YOU bonus video.vtt

2.1 KB


0.1 KB

Udemy Course downloader.txt

0.1 KB

/1. Introduction/

1. Updates on Udemy Reviews.mp4

23.1 MB

1. Updates on Udemy

3.6 KB

1. Updates on Udemy Reviews.vtt

3.1 KB

2. Introduction + Course Structure + Demo.mp4

204.8 MB

2. Introduction + Course Structure +

22.5 KB

2. Introduction + Course Structure + Demo.vtt

19.6 KB

3. BONUS Learning Paths.html

2.4 KB

4. Your Three Best Resources.mp4

141.0 MB

4. Your Three Best

13.6 KB

4. Your Three Best Resources.vtt

12.1 KB

5. Download the Resources here.html

0.8 KB

6. Meet your instructors!.html

0.7 KB

/2. Step 1 - Artificial Neural Network/

1. Welcome to Step 1 - Artificial Neural Network.html

0.6 KB

2. Plan of Attack.mp4

16.6 MB

2. Plan of

4.0 KB

2. Plan of Attack.vtt

3.6 KB

3. The Neuron.mp4

103.6 MB

3. The

25.2 KB

3. The Neuron.vtt

22.1 KB

4. The Activation Function.mp4

47.6 MB

4. The Activation

12.1 KB

4. The Activation Function.vtt

10.7 KB

5. How do Neural Networks work.mp4

85.9 MB

5. How do Neural Networks

19.5 KB

5. How do Neural Networks work.vtt

17.2 KB

6. How do Neural Networks learn.mp4

117.6 MB

6. How do Neural Networks

19.4 KB

6. How do Neural Networks learn.vtt

16.9 KB

7. Gradient Descent.mp4

63.6 MB

7. Gradient

14.5 KB

7. Gradient Descent.vtt

12.6 KB

8. Stochastic Gradient Descent.mp4

70.6 MB

8. Stochastic Gradient

12.5 KB

8. Stochastic Gradient Descent.vtt

11.0 KB

9. Backpropagation.mp4

45.2 MB


7.5 KB

9. Backpropagation.vtt

6.6 KB

/3. Step 2 - Convolutional Neural Network/

1. Welcome to Step 2 - Convolutional Neural Network.html

0.4 KB

2. Plan of Attack.mp4

22.9 MB

2. Plan of

5.5 KB

2. Plan of Attack.vtt

4.8 KB

3. What are Convolutional Neural Networks.mp4

113.2 MB

3. What are Convolutional Neural

22.7 KB

3. What are Convolutional Neural Networks.vtt

19.9 KB

4. Step 1 - The Convolution Operation.mp4

102.7 MB

4. Step 1 - The Convolution

23.8 KB

4. Step 1 - The Convolution Operation.vtt

20.9 KB

5. Step 1 Bis - The ReLU Layer.mp4

56.0 MB

5. Step 1 Bis - The ReLU

9.5 KB

5. Step 1 Bis - The ReLU Layer.vtt

8.4 KB

6. Step 2 - Pooling.mp4

147.0 MB

6. Step 2 -

21.5 KB

6. Step 2 - Pooling.vtt

18.8 KB

7. Step 3 - Flattening.mp4

8.3 MB

7. Step 3 -

2.6 KB

7. Step 3 - Flattening.vtt

2.3 KB

8. Step 4 - Full Connection.mp4

203.7 MB

8. Step 4 - Full

29.2 KB

8. Step 4 - Full Connection.vtt

25.6 KB

9. Summary.mp4

31.8 MB


6.2 KB

9. Summary.vtt

5.5 KB

10. Softmax & Cross-Entropy.mp4

123.7 MB

10. Softmax &

25.9 KB

10. Softmax & Cross-Entropy.vtt

22.7 KB

/4. Step 3 - AutoEncoder/

1. Welcome to Step 3 - AutoEncoder.html

0.4 KB

2. Plan of Attack.mp4

16.6 MB

2. Plan of

3.3 KB

2. Plan of Attack.vtt

2.9 KB

3. What are AutoEncoders.mp4

99.2 MB

3. What are

16.7 KB

3. What are AutoEncoders.vtt

14.7 KB

4. A Note on Biases.mp4

9.0 MB

4. A Note on

2.1 KB

4. A Note on Biases.vtt

1.8 KB

5. Training an AutoEncoder.mp4

52.7 MB

5. Training an

9.8 KB

5. Training an AutoEncoder.vtt

8.6 KB

6. Overcomplete Hidden Layers.mp4

29.4 MB

6. Overcomplete Hidden

5.8 KB

6. Overcomplete Hidden Layers.vtt

5.1 KB

7. Sparse AutoEncoders.mp4

60.2 MB

7. Sparse

9.0 KB

7. Sparse AutoEncoders.vtt

8.0 KB

8. Denoising AutoEncoders.mp4

25.3 MB

8. Denoising

3.7 KB

8. Denoising AutoEncoders.vtt

3.3 KB

9. Contractive AutoEncoders.mp4

21.5 MB

9. Contractive

3.7 KB

9. Contractive AutoEncoders.vtt

3.2 KB

10. Stacked AutoEncoders.mp4

17.2 MB

10. Stacked

2.5 KB

10. Stacked AutoEncoders.vtt

2.2 KB

11. Deep AutoEncoders.mp4

12.5 MB

11. Deep

2.8 KB

11. Deep AutoEncoders.vtt

2.5 KB

/5. Step 4 - Variational AutoEncoder/

1. Welcome to Step 4 - Variational AutoEncoder.html

0.4 KB

2. Introduction to the VAE.mp4

76.3 MB

2. Introduction to the

11.3 KB

2. Introduction to the VAE.vtt

9.9 KB

3. Variational AutoEncoders.mp4

27.6 MB

3. Variational

6.3 KB

3. Variational AutoEncoders.vtt

5.6 KB

4. Reparameterization Trick.mp4

27.7 MB

4. Reparameterization

6.7 KB

4. Reparameterization Trick.vtt

5.9 KB

/6. Step 5 - Implementing the CNN-VAE/

1. Welcome to Step 5 - Implementing the CNN-VAE.html

2.4 KB

2. Introduction to Step 5.mp4

61.7 MB

2. Introduction to Step

11.0 KB

2. Introduction to Step 5.vtt

9.6 KB

3. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the CNN-VAE class.mp4

75.2 MB

3. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the CNN-VAE

17.4 KB

3. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the CNN-VAE class.vtt

15.2 KB

4. Building the Encoder part of the VAE.mp4

140.1 MB

4. Building the Encoder part of the

26.8 KB

4. Building the Encoder part of the VAE.vtt

23.3 KB

5. Building the V part of the VAE.mp4

84.2 MB

5. Building the V part of the

13.8 KB

5. Building the V part of the VAE.vtt

12.1 KB

6. Building the Decoder part of the VAE.mp4

97.4 MB

6. Building the Decoder part of the

13.4 KB

6. Building the Decoder part of the VAE.vtt

11.7 KB

7. Implementing the Training operations.mp4

196.1 MB

7. Implementing the Training

24.0 KB

7. Implementing the Training operations.vtt

20.9 KB

8. Full Code Section.html

4.1 KB

9. The Keras Implementation.html

7.9 KB

/7. Step 6 - Recurrent Neural Network/

1. Welcome to Step 6 - Recurrent Neural Network.html

0.5 KB

2. Plan of Attack.mp4

11.0 MB

2. Plan of

3.5 KB

2. Plan of Attack.vtt

3.1 KB

3. What are Recurrent Neural Networks.mp4

127.0 MB

3. What are Recurrent Neural

24.4 KB

3. What are Recurrent Neural Networks.vtt

21.3 KB

4. The Vanishing Gradient Problem.mp4

116.6 MB

4. The Vanishing Gradient

21.3 KB

4. The Vanishing Gradient Problem.vtt

18.7 KB

5. LSTMs.mp4

143.2 MB


28.9 KB

5. LSTMs.vtt

25.2 KB

6. LSTM Practical Intuition.mp4

196.5 MB

6. LSTM Practical

21.5 KB

6. LSTM Practical Intuition.vtt

18.8 KB

7. LSTM Variations.mp4

21.1 MB


5.0 KB

7. LSTM Variations.vtt

4.4 KB

/8. Step 7 - Mixture Density Network/

1. Welcome to Step 7 - Mixture Density Network.html

0.5 KB

2. Introduction to the MDN-RNN.mp4

87.4 MB

2. Introduction to the

13.0 KB

2. Introduction to the MDN-RNN.vtt

11.5 KB

3. Mixture Density Networks.mp4

68.5 MB

3. Mixture Density

13.9 KB

3. Mixture Density Networks.vtt

12.2 KB

4. VAE + MDN-RNN Visualization.mp4

47.5 MB


7.7 KB

4. VAE + MDN-RNN Visualization.vtt

6.8 KB

/9. Step 8 - Implementing the MDN-RNN/

1. Welcome to Step 8 - Implementing the MDN-RNN.html

2.9 KB

2. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the MDN-RNN class.mp4

104.3 MB

2. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the MDN-RNN

18.4 KB

2. Initializing all the parameters and variables of the MDN-RNN class.vtt

16.2 KB

3. Building the RNN - Gathering the parameters.mp4

80.3 MB

3. Building the RNN - Gathering the

13.2 KB

3. Building the RNN - Gathering the parameters.vtt

11.6 KB

4. Building the RNN - Creating an LSTM cell with Dropout.mp4

133.3 MB

4. Building the RNN - Creating an LSTM cell with

22.4 KB

4. Building the RNN - Creating an LSTM cell with Dropout.vtt

19.7 KB

5. Building the RNN - Setting up the Input, Target, and Output of the RNN.mp4

137.5 MB

5. Building the RNN - Setting up the Input, Target, and Output of the

20.5 KB

5. Building the RNN - Setting up the Input, Target, and Output of the RNN.vtt

18.1 KB

6. Building the RNN - Getting the Deterministic Output of the RNN.mp4

131.6 MB

6. Building the RNN - Getting the Deterministic Output of the

16.8 KB

6. Building the RNN - Getting the Deterministic Output of the RNN.vtt

14.7 KB

7. Building the MDN - Getting the Input, Hidden Layer and Output of the MDN.mp4

154.1 MB

7. Building the MDN - Getting the Input, Hidden Layer and Output of the

17.0 KB

7. Building the MDN - Getting the Input, Hidden Layer and Output of the MDN.vtt

15.0 KB

8. Building the MDN - Getting the MDN parameters.mp4

114.8 MB

8. Building the MDN - Getting the MDN

14.9 KB

8. Building the MDN - Getting the MDN parameters.vtt

13.1 KB

9. Implementing the Training operations (Part 1).mp4

186.1 MB

9. Implementing the Training operations (Part 1).srt

20.9 KB

9. Implementing the Training operations (Part 1).vtt

18.2 KB

10. Implementing the Training operations (Part 2).mp4

170.8 MB

10. Implementing the Training operations (Part 2).srt

19.4 KB

10. Implementing the Training operations (Part 2).vtt

16.8 KB

11. Full Code Section.html

11.1 KB

12. The Keras Implementation.html

5.4 KB

/10. Step 9 - Reinforcement Learning/

1. Welcome to Step 9 - Reinforcement Learning.html

0.4 KB

2. What is Reinforcement Learning.mp4

71.9 MB

2. What is Reinforcement

18.6 KB

2. What is Reinforcement Learning.vtt

16.4 KB

3. A Pseudo Implementation of Reinforcement Learning for the Full World Model.mp4

161.7 MB

3. A Pseudo Implementation of Reinforcement Learning for the Full World

27.6 KB

3. A Pseudo Implementation of Reinforcement Learning for the Full World Model.vtt

24.1 KB

4. Full Code Section.html

0.4 KB

/11. Step 10 - Deep NeuroEvolution/

1. Welcome to Step 10 - Deep NeuroEvolution.html

1.2 KB

2. Deep NeuroEvolution.mp4

114.1 MB

2. Deep

15.4 KB

2. Deep NeuroEvolution.vtt

13.7 KB

3. Evolution Strategies.mp4

125.2 MB

3. Evolution

13.3 KB

3. Evolution Strategies.vtt

11.7 KB

4. Genetic Algorithms.mp4

156.4 MB

4. Genetic

18.1 KB

4. Genetic Algorithms.vtt

15.8 KB

5. Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES).mp4

151.1 MB

5. Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES).srt

17.6 KB

5. Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES).vtt

15.5 KB

6. Parameter-Exploring Policy Gradients (PEPG).mp4

150.9 MB

6. Parameter-Exploring Policy Gradients (PEPG).srt

16.8 KB

6. Parameter-Exploring Policy Gradients (PEPG).vtt

14.9 KB

7. OpenAI Evolution Strategy.mp4

113.3 MB

7. OpenAI Evolution

10.6 KB

7. OpenAI Evolution Strategy.vtt

9.4 KB

/13. Bonus Lectures/


1.1 KB


Total files 230

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