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Pierre Hadot - Philosophy As a Way of Life.pdf

45.2 MB

John Horgan - Rational Mysticism, Dispatches from the Border Between Science and Spirituality.pdf

30.1 MB

Lewis Vaughn - The Power of Critical Thinking.pdf

29.4 MB

Feeling Good, The Science of Well-Being.pdf

23.6 MB

Arthur O. Lovejoy - The Great Chain of Being, A Study of the History of an Idea.pdf

19.3 MB

Transcending Self Interest - Psychological Explorations of the Quiet Ego.pdf

18.8 MB

John Burroughs - Accepting the Universe.pdf

17.5 MB

Peter Lobston - Reality Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics.pdf

17.3 MB

Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquillity, Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought.pdf

17.2 MB

Spinoza - Complete Works.pdf

16.9 MB

Emperor Marcus Aurelius - Meditations.pdf

15.7 MB

Stephen Batchelor - Buddhism without Beliefs, A Contemporary Guide to Awakening.pdf

14.9 MB

Bertrand Russell - The Conquest of Happiness.pdf

14.9 MB

Bertrand Russell - Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays.pdf

14.8 MB

Neither Brain nor Ghost, A Nondualist Alternative to the Mind-Brain Identity Theory.pdf

13.9 MB

Pierre Hadot - The Veil of Isis, An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature.pdf

12.9 MB

David L. Holmes - The Faiths of the Founding Fathers.pdf

12.0 MB

Robert C. Fuller - Wonder, From Emotion to Spirituality.pdf

12.0 MB

Owen Flanagan - The Problem of the Soul, Two Visions Of Mind And How To Reconcile Them.pdf

11.8 MB

Gilles Deleuze - Spinoza, Practical Philosophy.pdf

11.5 MB

Irving Singer - Meaning in Life, the Harmony of Nature and Spirit.pdf

11.3 MB

Byron Katie, Stephen Mitchell - Loving What Is, Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.pdf

11.1 MB

Thomas Campbell - My Big Toe Book 3 Inner Workings.pdf

10.9 MB

Daniel C. Dennett - Consciousness Explained.pdf

10.5 MB

Hazlitt - The Wisdom of the Stoics, Selections from Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.pdf

9.8 MB

Henderson, Sherwood – Transformation of the Psyche, The Symbolic Alchemy of the Splendor Solis.pdf

9.2 MB

Erik Wiegardt - Stick Action Meditation.pdf

8.8 MB

The Wise Brain Bulletin - Meditation, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness.pdf

8.5 MB

Ocellus Lucanus - On the Nature of the Universe.pdf

8.3 MB

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Full Catastrophe Living, Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness.pdf

8.2 MB

Giles Laurén - The Stoic’s Bible.pdf

7.6 MB

stephen wingate - dogs, cats & dreams of spiritual enlightenment.pdf

7.4 MB

stephen wingate - the outrageous myths of enlightenment.pdf

7.4 MB

Jerome A. Stone - Religious Naturalism Today, The Rebirth of a Forgotten Alternative.pdf

7.4 MB

Thomas Campbell - My Big Toe Book 1 Awakening.pdf

7.3 MB

Ursula Goodenough - The Sacred Depths of Nature.pdf

7.1 MB

Pantheism, The Light and Hope of Modern Reason.pdf

6.5 MB

Robert E. Ulanowicz - A Third Window, Natural Life beyond Newton and Darwin.pdf

6.4 MB

The Lost Art of Being Happy, Spirituality for Sceptics.pdf

6.2 MB

A.C. Grayling - The Good Book, A Humanist Bible.pdf

6.2 MB

Thomas Metzinger - Being No One, The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity.pdf

5.8 MB

Savoring, A New Model of Positive Experience.pdf

5.7 MB

Jeff Foster - Life Without A Centre.pdf

5.7 MB

Positive Psychology in Practice.pdf

5.3 MB

Steven Pinker - How the Mind Works.pdf

5.2 MB

Thomas Campbell - My Big Toe Book 2 Discover.pdf

5.2 MB

Richard Taylor - The Ethics of Authenticity.pdf

4.9 MB

Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality Vol.1.pdf

4.8 MB

Evolution; Cosmic, Biological, Social.pdf

4.6 MB

Roland Faber - De-Ontologizing God.pdf

4.5 MB

Epic of Evolution, Seven Ages of the Cosmos.pdf

4.0 MB

Robert N. Bellah - Religion in Human Evolution.pdf

4.0 MB

At Home in the Universe, The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity.pdf

3.9 MB

Loyal Rue - Religion is Not about God, How Spiritual Traditions Nurture Our Biological Nature and What to Expect When They Fail.pdf

3.9 MB

Donald Crosby - Living with Ambiguity, Religious Naturalism and the Menace of Evil.pdf

3.8 MB

Body, Mind and Healing After Jung.pdf

3.7 MB

John Toland - Pantheisticon.pdf

3.6 MB

Why There is Something Rather than Nothing.pdf

3.6 MB

Mindfulness For Dummies.pdf

3.5 MB

Owen Flanagan - The Bodhisattva's Brain, Buddhism Naturalized.pdf

3.4 MB

Stuart A. Kauffman - Reinventing the Sacred, A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion.pdf

3.3 MB

Ray Billington - Religion Without God.pdf

3.2 MB

Mircea Eliade's Vision for a New Humanism.pdf

3.1 MB

T.L.S. Sprigge - The God of Metaphysics.pdf

2.9 MB

Gilles Deleuze - Pure Immanence, Essays on a Life.pdf

2.7 MB

D. Q. Mclnerny Being Logical - A Guide To Good Thinking.pdf

2.5 MB

Fred Spier - Big History and the Future of Humanity.pdf

2.5 MB


2.4 MB

William B. Irvine - A Guide to the Good Life, The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy.pdf

2.4 MB

Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not.pdf

2.4 MB

Peter Corning - Nature's Magic, Synergy in Evolution and the Fate of Humankind.pdf

2.4 MB

Mindfulness Meditation.pdf

2.3 MB

Predrag Cicovacki - Albert Schweitzer's Ethical Vision, a Sourcebook.pdf

2.2 MB

Infinity, New Research Frontiers.pdf

2.0 MB

Recognizing the Autonomy of Nature Theory and Practice.pdf

2.0 MB

Ricardo Salles - God and Cosmos in Stoicism.pdf

1.9 MB

Jerome A. Popp - Evolution's First Philosopher, John Dewey and the Continuity of Nature.pdf

1.9 MB

The Evolving Self, a Psychology for the Third Millennium.pdf

1.8 MB

Philosophers without Gods, Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life.pdf

1.8 MB

The Curse of the Self, Self-Awareness, Egotism, and the Quality of Human Life.pdf

1.8 MB

Sam Harris - The End of Faith, Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason.pdf

1.8 MB

Thomas Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel, The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self.pdf

1.7 MB

David Ray Griffin - Religion and Scientific Naturalism, Overcoming the Conflicts.pdf

1.7 MB

The Good in Nature and Humanity, Connecting Science, Religion, and Spirituality with the Natural World.pdf

1.7 MB

Christopher K. Germer - The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions.pdf

1.6 MB

Donald Crosby - A Religion of Nature.pdf

1.5 MB

Flourishing, Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived.pdf

1.5 MB

The Golden Rule.pdf

1.5 MB

Erik J. Wielenberg - Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe.pdf

1.5 MB

Keith Seddon - Epictetus’ Handbook and the Tablet of Cebes, Guides to Stoic Living.pdf

1.5 MB

James M. Byrne - Religion and the Enlightenment, From Descartes to Kant.pdf

1.4 MB

A. A. Long - Epictetus, A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life.pdf

1.4 MB

Erik J. Wielenberg - God and the Reach of Reason, C.S. Lewis, David Hume, and Bertrand Russell.pdf

1.4 MB

Naomi Reshotko - Socratic Virtue, Making the Best of the Neither Good Nor Bad.pdf

1.3 MB

Lawrence C. Becker - A New Stoicism.pdf

1.3 MB

Rick Hanson - Just One Thing, Developing A Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time.pdf

1.3 MB

Michael P. Levine - Pantheism, A Non-Theistic Concept of Deity.pdf

1.3 MB

Bertrand Russell - Why I Am Not A Christian.pdf

1.2 MB

Mitchell Aboulafia - Transcendence, On Self-Determination and Cosmopolitanism.pdf

1.2 MB

Erik Wiegardt - Pneuma Will Power Meditation.pdf

1.2 MB

Corliss Lamont - The Philosophy of Humanism.pdf

1.2 MB

Man's Search for Meaning (Victor Frankl).pdf

1.2 MB

On Awareness, A Collection of Philosophical Dialogues.pdf

1.2 MB

Bertrand Russell - Analysis Of Mind.pdf

1.2 MB

Bien - Finding the Center Within, The Healing Way of Mindfulness Meditation.pdf

1.2 MB

David Hodgson - Rationality + Consciousness = Free Will.pdf

1.2 MB

Richard Norman - On Humanism.pdf

1.2 MB

Leonard Mlodinow - The Drunkard's Walk, How Randomness Rules Our Lives.pdf

1.2 MB

Wayne Hudson - The English Deists, Studies in Early Enlightenment.pdf

1.1 MB

Living Mind - From Psyche to Consciousness.pdf

1.1 MB

Identity, Character, and Morality, Essays in Moral Psychology.pdf

1.1 MB

Spinoza's Book of Life, Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics.pdf

1.1 MB

J. Claude Evans - With Respect For Nature, Living As Part Of The Natural World.pdf

1.1 MB

Richard Shusterman - Body Consciousness, A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics.pdf

1.1 MB

Mike W. Martin - Albert Schweitzer's Reverence for Life, Ethical Idealism and Self-Realization.pdf

1.0 MB

Seneca - Dialogues and Essays.pdf

1.0 MB

Donald Robertson - The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Stoic Philosophy as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy.pdf

979.7 KB

Michael McGhee - Transformations of Mind, Philosophy as Spiritual Practice.pdf

977.4 KB

Robert S. Corrington - Nature's Religion.pdf

931.8 KB

Robert C. Solomon - Spirituality for the Skeptic, The Thoughtful Love of Life.pdf

840.8 KB

Phenomenological Differences among Self–Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, and Imaging.pdf

822.7 KB

Donald Crosby - Faith and Reason, Their Roles in Religious and Secular Life.pdf

816.4 KB

Moshe Feldenkrais - Awareness Through Movement - Health Exercise For Personal Growth.pdf

791.7 KB

Valerie Tiberius - The Reflective Life, Living Wisely With Our Limits.pdf

783.4 KB

Bertrand Russell and the Decline of Mysticism.pdf

672.8 KB

Complexity and the Philosophy of Becoming.pdf

661.3 KB

Elihu Palmer - Principles of Nature.pdf

656.7 KB

Erik Wiegardt - Path of the Sage, and Introduction to Stoic Philosophy.pdf

559.0 KB

Barbara Hannah - The Inner Journey, Lectures and Essays on Jungian Psychology.pdf

516.0 KB

Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason.pdf

485.3 KB

Thomas Paine - Rights of Man.pdf

481.5 KB

An Interpersonal Neurobiology Approach to Psychotherapy, Awareness, Mirror Neurons, and Neural Plasticity in the Development of Well-being.pdf

433.0 KB

Wayne M. Martin - Stoic Self-Consciousness, Self-Comprehension and Orientation in the Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis.pdf

415.5 KB

AETHER The Physicalists' God.pdf

413.8 KB

Erik Wiegardt - Beyond Theory, an Old and New Stoic Practicum.pdf

356.3 KB

Bertrand Russell - What I Believe.pdf

350.9 KB

Fully Caused - The Benefits of a Naturalistic Understanding of Behavior.pdf

334.7 KB

Matthew Sharpe - On the Present is Our Happiness, On Affects in Ancient Thought.pdf

301.2 KB

G. H. R. Parkinson - Hegel, Pantheism, and Spinoza.pdf

274.7 KB

Erik Wiegardt - The Stoic Handbook.pdf

272.5 KB

Owen Flanagan - Spirituality Naturalized.pdf

257.2 KB

J. Allanson Picton - Pantheism Its Story and Significance.pdf

256.6 KB

Katja Maria Vogt - Belief and Truth, A Skeptic Reading of Plato.pdf

254.7 KB

A Humanists Prayer – Prayer Does Not Change Things.pdf

208.8 KB

Tobin Hart - Opening the Contemplative Mind in the Classroom.pdf

206.0 KB

Reflections on Thomas Metzinger’s “Being No One”.pdf

196.0 KB

Erik Wiegardt - Mneme Manual.pdf

193.1 KB

Doug Muder - Humanist Spirituality, Oxymoron or Authentic Path to Enlightenment.pdf

187.2 KB

Frank L. Pasquale - Humanist Focus of Attention.pdf

185.7 KB

Erik Wiegardt - Heraclitus Meditation.pdf

184.5 KB

Benjamin Franklin - The Art of Virtue.pdf

178.3 KB

John P. Dourley - Foundational Elements of a Jungian Spirituality.pdf

174.8 KB

Erik Wiegardt - 32 Principal Doctrines of the Stoa.pdf

170.6 KB

Felix Adler - The Essentials Of Spirituality.pdf

167.5 KB

Elen Buzare - Stoic Spiritual Exercises.pdf

167.0 KB

Cultivating a Limitless Heart, Stoic Oikeiōsis and Metta Meditation.pdf

163.3 KB

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Deepening our Theory and Practice.pdf

160.5 KB

Dismantling the Self, Deleuze, Stoicism and Spiritual Exercises.pdf

157.8 KB

Donald Robertson - Stoicism as Philosophical Psychotherapy.pdf

156.2 KB

Carvaka, The Ancient Indian Rebell - Naturalistic Philosophy.pdf

153.5 KB

Mindful Awareness, Mindsight & Neural Integration.pdf

149.5 KB

Epictetus - The Enchiridion or Manual.pdf

146.7 KB

Brent Dean Robbins - What is the Good Life, Positive Psychology and the Renaissance of Humanistic Psychology.pdf

129.2 KB

Erik Wiegardt - Emperor's Journal, Classical Meditation, and Hypomnemata Today.pdf

104.3 KB

Clavinicus the Apollonian - Apothegms of Enlightenment.pdf

35.6 KB

The Soul is Naturalistic and Individualistic.pdf

30.9 KB

John Davis - Psychological Benefits Of Nature Experiences, An Outline Of Research And Theory, With Special Reference To Transpersonal Psychology.pdf

27.7 KB

Dana Spiegel - The Odyssey as a Psychological Hero Journey.pdf

19.8 KB


Total files 168

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