
Download VFX Complete Houdini Bootcamp

VFX Complete Houdini Bootcamp


VFX Complete Houdini Bootcamp

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/8. Creating rain effect/

1. Rain Effect introduction.vtt

0.3 KB

2. Rain effect part 1.vtt

5.2 KB

4. Rain effect part 3.vtt

5.9 KB

3. Rain effect part 2.vtt

6.8 KB

97.5 KB


160.9 KB

1. Rain Effect introduction.mp4

9.3 MB

4. Rain effect part 3.mp4

27.8 MB

2. Rain effect part 1.mp4

35.9 MB

3. Rain effect part 2.mp4

57.6 MB

/11. Explosions/

5. Gasoline Explosion Intro.vtt

0.4 KB

9. Camera Shake.vtt

1.9 KB

10. Desert Explosion intro.vtt

2.5 KB

3. Understanding the Source Volume.vtt

2.9 KB

12. Final touches in Nuke (Advanced).vtt

3.4 KB

5.0 KB

7. Light,shade and render the explosion.vtt

5.9 KB

6. Creating the explosion.vtt

5.9 KB

2. Creating simple explosion part 2.vtt

6.4 KB

8. Timing the explosion.vtt

8.1 KB

1. Creating simple explosion part 1.vtt

10.0 KB

11. Desert Explosion advanced.vtt

10.9 KB

4. Timing your explosion.vtt

14.2 KB

182.7 KB

195.2 KB


404.8 KB


3.2 MB

9. Camera Shake.mp4

3.9 MB

5. Gasoline Explosion Intro.mp4

4.1 MB

3. Understanding the Source Volume.mp4

10.1 MB

12. Final touches in Nuke (Advanced).mp4

10.3 MB

10. Desert Explosion intro.mp4

15.0 MB

7. Light,shade and render the explosion.mp4

16.6 MB

8. Timing the explosion.mp4

18.6 MB

6. Creating the explosion.mp4

19.1 MB

2. Creating simple explosion part 2.mp4

25.7 MB

11. Desert Explosion advanced.mp4

39.5 MB

1. Creating simple explosion part 1.mp4

47.0 MB

4. Timing your explosion.mp4

79.4 MB

220.9 MB

/1. Introduction/

2. Download Houdini for free.vtt

0.7 KB

1. Promo Video.vtt

1.5 KB

4. Using the Transform tools.vtt

2.1 KB

3. Navigating in the viewport.vtt

2.9 KB

5. Network Editor.vtt

3.8 KB

7. Merge and connect and disconnect nodes.vtt

5.9 KB

8. Link channels.vtt

5.9 KB

6. Creating objects in the Network Editor.vtt

8.0 KB

10. Homework.vtt

8.5 KB

9. Creating procedural Cup.vtt

12.7 KB

80.0 KB

4.2 MB

5.0 MB

2. Download Houdini for free.mp4

9.4 MB

5. Network Editor.mp4

10.3 MB

4. Using the Transform tools.mp4

11.2 MB

7. Merge and connect and disconnect nodes.mp4

11.6 MB

1. Promo Video.mp4

14.6 MB

3. Navigating in the viewport.mp4

15.1 MB

8. Link channels.mp4

15.4 MB

6. Creating objects in the Network Editor.mp4

24.0 MB

9. Creating procedural Cup.mp4

88.5 MB

10. Homework.mp4

149.1 MB


1.4 GB

/5. Introduction to Pyro FX/

1. Introduction to the section (Pyro Solver).vtt

0.7 KB

2. Understanding the Voxels.vtt

2.7 KB

9. 08_Prepare and Import the 3D wheel into the scene.vtt

2.8 KB

5. Understanding the smoke Emitter.vtt

3.7 KB

4. Creating a Flipbook.vtt

4.7 KB

3. Creating smoke Emiter.vtt

5.2 KB

10. Start creating the fire.vtt

5.5 KB

7. Homework.vtt

5.8 KB

6. Understanding the Pyro sim.vtt

9.1 KB

14. Smoke Trail.vtt

10.6 KB

11. Finishing and caching the fire on disk.vtt

10.7 KB

13. Candle effect.vtt

12.1 KB

8. Homework answer.vtt

15.8 KB

12. Final touches on the fire.vtt

15.8 KB

226.8 KB

261.5 KB

1.4 MB

1. Introduction to the section (Pyro Solver).mp4

7.7 MB

9. 08_Prepare and Import the 3D wheel into the scene.mp4

14.0 MB

4. Creating a Flipbook.mp4

15.0 MB

5. Understanding the smoke Emitter.mp4

17.1 MB

7. Homework.mp4

17.8 MB

3. Creating smoke Emiter.mp4

18.5 MB

10. Start creating the fire.mp4

20.3 MB

6. Understanding the Pyro sim.mp4

28.3 MB

2. Understanding the Voxels.mp4

34.7 MB

11. Finishing and caching the fire on disk.mp4

36.1 MB

8. Homework answer.mp4

51.5 MB

12. Final touches on the fire.mp4

57.6 MB

67.4 MB

14. Smoke Trail.mp4

145.2 MB

13. Candle effect.mp4

207.5 MB

/9. Creating Sand and Snow Effect in Houdini/

4. creating the project folder.vtt

1.0 KB

14. Final result of thirty million particles.vtt

1.1 KB

12. Adding variation to the particles.vtt

2.3 KB

16. Adding snow particles to the final render.vtt

2.4 KB

17. Deform the Geometry with grain solver.vtt

2.5 KB

9. fill the geometry with sand.vtt

2.6 KB

10. creating High res sand.vtt

2.7 KB

1. Fill an object with sand.vtt

2.9 KB

6. scale and clean the animation.vtt

3.2 KB

5. Importing the animation to Houdini.vtt

3.5 KB

11. creating the snow effect.vtt

4.3 KB

7. setup the collision to the animation.vtt

5.7 KB

8. creating the camera and the object to fill it with sand.vtt

5.7 KB

15. The Final result.vtt

5.9 KB

3. Upres the sand.vtt

7.0 KB

13. Adding material to the particles.vtt

7.1 KB

2. creating the ground and cache the file.vtt

8.1 KB

155.8 KB

166.0 KB

4. creating the project folder.mp4

3.2 MB

4.0 MB

4.2 MB

14. Final result of thirty million particles.mp4

5.2 MB

17. Deform the Geometry with grain solver.mp4

8.8 MB

12. Adding variation to the particles.mp4

9.5 MB

1. Fill an object with sand.mp4

10.1 MB

6. scale and clean the animation.mp4

14.6 MB

10. creating High res sand.mp4

15.4 MB

9. fill the geometry with sand.mp4

16.5 MB

15. The Final result.mp4

17.2 MB

5. Importing the animation to Houdini.mp4

17.3 MB

11. creating the snow effect.mp4

22.4 MB

16. Adding snow particles to the final render.mp4

24.1 MB

2. creating the ground and cache the file.mp4

24.3 MB

3. Upres the sand.mp4

25.8 MB

13. Adding material to the particles.mp4

31.6 MB

8. creating the camera and the object to fill it with sand.mp4

36.2 MB

7. setup the collision to the animation.mp4

71.0 MB

156.9 MB

/7. Chocolate project/

3. creating the project folder.vtt

1.1 KB

16. Important talk.vtt

1.2 KB

12. improving the mesh.vtt

2.1 KB

18. Creating materials in Houdini.vtt

2.2 KB

25. shading the remaining static layers.vtt

2.3 KB

21. Creating the environment light.vtt

2.8 KB

9. creating proxy for the collisions.vtt

2.9 KB

17. Loading the final result of the mesh.vtt

3.1 KB

15. what if you dont have the alembic files.vtt

3.3 KB

11. creating a mesh for every emitter.vtt

3.4 KB

2. Fill a geometry with particles.vtt

3.6 KB

24. Shading the third layer.vtt

3.9 KB

20. creating the ground and the camera.vtt

4.1 KB

5. using expressions to animate the emitter.vtt

4.6 KB

14. load the cache and creating flipbook.vtt

4.8 KB

13. optimizing the poly count and caching.vtt

4.8 KB

23. shading the second layer.vtt

5.9 KB

7. emitting from multiple emitters.vtt

6.2 KB

19. creating materials for the static layers.vtt

6.7 KB

10. creating the cache for all emitters.vtt

7.2 KB

8. setting activation keys for emitters.vtt

8.1 KB

4. cache the particles.vtt

8.4 KB

1. Emitting Fluid from an Object.vtt

8.4 KB

22. shading the first layer.vtt

9.8 KB

6. Meshing the particles.vtt

13.7 KB

3. creating the project folder.mp4

4.7 MB

16. Important talk.mp4

4.8 MB

18. Creating materials in Houdini.mp4

8.2 MB

12. improving the mesh.mp4

8.9 MB

25. shading the remaining static layers.mp4

10.6 MB

9. creating proxy for the collisions.mp4

11.1 MB

15. what if you dont have the alembic files.mp4

14.0 MB

21. Creating the environment light.mp4

14.4 MB

17. Loading the final result of the mesh.mp4

15.6 MB

2. Fill a geometry with particles.mp4

17.1 MB

11. creating a mesh for every emitter.mp4

17.5 MB

5. using expressions to animate the emitter.mp4

18.6 MB

24. Shading the third layer.mp4

22.6 MB

13. optimizing the poly count and caching.mp4

23.2 MB

19. creating materials for the static layers.mp4

24.7 MB

20. creating the ground and the camera.mp4

25.7 MB

14. load the cache and creating flipbook.mp4

27.8 MB

8. setting activation keys for emitters.mp4

28.4 MB

7. emitting from multiple emitters.mp4

29.0 MB

10. creating the cache for all emitters.mp4

29.8 MB

23. shading the second layer.mp4

31.1 MB

1. Emitting Fluid from an Object.mp4

32.9 MB

4. cache the particles.mp4

35.8 MB

6. Meshing the particles.mp4

55.8 MB

22. shading the first layer.mp4

64.2 MB

/10. Introduction to destruction in Houdini/

6. Packed primitives.vtt

1.3 KB

1. breaking the geometry using the simplest way.vtt

2.8 KB

5. Clusters.vtt

3.1 KB

4. Converting the pieces to rigid bodies and Using the glue adjacent.vtt

3.3 KB

2. breaking the geometry manually.vtt

3.8 KB

9. Emitting smoke from particles.vtt

4.3 KB

7. Using boolean to break the Geometry.vtt

5.8 KB

3. using the voroni fracture points to add details.vtt

6.1 KB

8. Debris.vtt

8.0 KB

475.7 KB

6. Packed primitives.mp4

3.2 MB

1. breaking the geometry using the simplest way.mp4

9.4 MB

4. Converting the pieces to rigid bodies and Using the glue adjacent.mp4

12.7 MB

5. Clusters.mp4

14.6 MB

9. Emitting smoke from particles.mp4

14.9 MB

2. breaking the geometry manually.mp4

25.6 MB

8. Debris.mp4

34.4 MB

7. Using boolean to break the Geometry.mp4

36.6 MB

3. using the voroni fracture points to add details.mp4

56.9 MB

/2. Houdini Core (Groups)/

2. Delete the group using the Delete node.vtt

2.3 KB

3. Grouping by boundary box.vtt

4.2 KB

1. Creating groups by selection.vtt

4.5 KB

4. Group by range.vtt

6.0 KB

5. Loading custom 3D model.vtt

8.1 KB

1.8 MB

2. Delete the group using the Delete node.mp4

9.0 MB

1. Creating groups by selection.mp4

23.1 MB

3. Grouping by boundary box.mp4

25.5 MB

4. Group by range.mp4

29.2 MB

5. Loading custom 3D model.mp4

74.8 MB

/4. Introduction to lighting/

3. Geometry Light..vtt

2.8 KB

1. Preparing the scene for lighting..vtt

3.7 KB

2. Point Spot and Area lights..vtt

7.4 KB

3. Geometry Light..mp4

12.8 MB

1. Preparing the scene for lighting..mp4

19.2 MB

2. Point Spot and Area lights..mp4

39.7 MB

/3. Houdini Core(Attributes)/

3. Creating custom Attribute.vtt

3.1 KB

2. Transferring Attributes.vtt

3.5 KB

1. Attributes.vtt

4.4 KB

3. Creating custom Attribute.mp4

9.4 MB

1. Attributes.mp4

17.8 MB

2. Transferring Attributes.mp4

18.1 MB

/6. Particles/

2. Creating Forces.vtt

4.1 KB

5. Curve Force.vtt

7.5 KB

3. Emitting from surfaces Manually.vtt

8.1 KB

4. Filling a Text with particles.vtt

9.5 KB

1. Creating particle Emitter.vtt

9.8 KB

6. Animated Curves.vtt

12.2 KB

2. Creating Forces.mp4

81.6 MB

5. Curve Force.mp4

119.8 MB

1. Creating particle Emitter.mp4

127.1 MB

3. Emitting from surfaces Manually.mp4

149.8 MB

4. Filling a Text with particles.mp4

176.6 MB

6. Animated Curves.mp4

205.2 MB

/13. Big scale Ocean/

1. Big scale Ocean.vtt

9.0 KB

1. Big scale Ocean.mp4

40.0 MB

61.1 MB

/12. Small scale Ocean/

1. Small scale Ocean.vtt

9.3 KB

2. Small scale ocean part 2.vtt

9.6 KB

2. Small scale ocean part 2.mp4

75.7 MB

1. Small scale Ocean.mp4

78.0 MB

/14. Shark jumping from water/

2. Shark part 2.vtt

10.9 KB

1. Shark part 1.vtt

13.5 KB

3. Shark part 3.vtt

13.6 KB

12.1 MB

2. Shark part 2.mp4

80.0 MB

3. Shark part 3.mp4

80.8 MB

1. Shark part 1.mp4

108.2 MB


Total files 253

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