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1853- Liberator (anti-slavery)- Clerical Apostacy and Proflicacy- on St. webster.pdf

122.6 KB

1853- Quincy, anti-slavery newspaper, Fetichism- on St. Webster.pdf

422.2 KB

1853- Talbot- anti-slavery newspaper- Webster- on St. Webster.pdf

514.0 KB

1854- Liberator (anti-slavery)- Emerson- St. Webster and Brutus.pdf

160.2 KB

1882- NYT- Webster worshipped as a god.pdf

112.3 KB

AHR Conversation On Transnational History.pdf

524.4 KB

Alison Games- Introduction, Definitions, and Historiography- What is Atlantic History.pdf

3.5 MB

American Presidential Rhetoric from ROnald Reagan to George W Bush.pdf

245.1 KB

AmericanAscendancy-Roundtable copy.pdf

420.8 KB

Anderson Imagined Communities, Greenfield Five Roads to Modernity, Smith National Identity .pdf

6.7 MB

Anderson Imagined Communities.pdf

1.0 MB

Annenberg- Bradley paper.pdf

177.3 KB

Appy Cold war constructions.pdf

967.2 KB

Armstrong Nations before nationalism, Gellner Nations and Nationalism.pdf

4.9 MB

Ayers In the presence of mine enemies.pdf

1.3 MB

Bartlett- Daniel Webster as a Symbolic Hero.pdf

2.5 MB

Beasley You, the people.pdf

801.7 KB

Beeman- The Democratic Faith of Patrick Henry.pdf

4.7 MB

Bender A Nation Among Nations.pdf

159.4 KB

Bradley-The United States and the Twentieth Century Global Human Rights Revolution.pdf

168.5 KB

Breuilly Nationalism and the state.pdf

1.8 MB

Brubaker Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany.pdf

1.0 MB

Burns George Washington.pdf

1.0 MB

Burstein- Sentimental Democracy- Review copy.pdf

432.0 KB

Burstein- Sentimental Democracy- Review.pdf

432.0 KB

Butler- Revolution Controversy- Review.pdf

892.5 KB

Butler- Romantics Rebels Reactionaries- Review.pdf

1.2 MB

Carpenter History as rhetoric.pdf

1.0 MB

Castronovo- Necro citizenship.pdf

958.9 KB

Ceaser- Reconstructing America.pdf

1.1 MB

Cleves- transatlantic revolution and national identity.pdf

143.3 KB

Coclanis- Atlantic World or Atlantic:World.pdf

5.1 MB

Colley Britons- forging the nation.pdf

1.6 MB

CraftofInternationalHistory-Roundtable copy.pdf

457.8 KB

Creel- Propaganda and morale.pdf

1.3 MB

Cunningham Popular Images of the Presidency from Washington to Lincoln.pdf

635.1 KB

DangerousNationRoundtable copy.pdf

350.9 KB

Darsey The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America.pdf

1.1 MB

David Hendrickson. Union, Nation, Empire- The American Debate over International Relations, 1789-1941.pdf

381.1 KB

Derek Davis- law, morals, and civil religion in america.pdf

976.9 KB

Deutsch Lincoln%E2%80%99s American dream.pdf

1.3 MB

Dissolving Concepts of the Presidency, Richard Loss.pdf

9.0 MB

Divine Since 1945.pdf

799.1 KB

Divine The reluctant belligerent.pdf

492.7 KB

Drinnon Facing west.pdf

1.1 MB

Dunne- Exceptionalism of a kind- the political historiography of US Foreign Relations copy.pdf

195.4 KB

Dunne- Exceptionalism of a kind- the political historiography of US Foreign Relations.pdf

195.4 KB

Ekbladh The great American mission.pdf

466.4 KB

Ellis West- A proposed neutral definition of civil religion.pdf

1.1 MB

Ferguson- Complexity and Collapse copy.pdf

1.7 MB

Ferguson- Complexity and Collapse.pdf

1.7 MB

Ferguson- Reading the Early Republic.pdf

1.1 MB

Fisher- Websters Legal Legacy.pdf

819.6 KB

Foner The story of American freedom.pdf

2.7 MB

For Craig- the long movement as vampire.pdf

9.1 MB

Forum- How the Graduate Study of Religion and American Culture Has Changed in the Past Decade .pdf

241.1 KB

Franklin Delano Reagan- NYTimes article 1980.pdf

99.2 KB

From Popular religion to practices of sacralization- approaches for a conceptual discussion.pdf

236.1 KB

Fussell Great War and modern memory.pdf

1.3 MB

Gamble- America Unbound copy.pdf

1.3 MB

Gamble- America Unbound.pdf

1.3 MB

Gatell- Review- Reflections on a Former Deity.pdf

538.2 KB

Genovese The power of the American presidency.pdf

901.9 KB

Gettleman:Raskin review by Leo Cherne, "When Scholars Turn Propagandists"- 1965 .pdf

2.6 MB

Gilbert The Mythmaking frame of mind.pdf

1.0 MB

Gilbert To the Farewell address.pdf

706.4 KB

Giles Gunn- America%27s Gods.pdf

211.8 KB

Globalizing St George- English associations in the Anglo-world to the 1930s- Bueltmann and MacRaild.pdf

310.0 KB

Granieri- Adenauer.pdf

5.4 MB

Griffith God%E2%80%99s Daughters.pdf

1.1 MB

Gunn Thinking across the American grain.pdf

694.0 KB

Hail- Thomas paine- an interpretive study of the treatment of paine by bigraphers, historians and critics.pdf

13.9 MB

Hall- Civilising subjects.pdf

151.2 KB

Harry Stout- Religion, War, and the Meaning of America.pdf

249.6 KB

Hart The sound of leadership Cf Tulis rhetorical presidency.pdf

1.6 MB

Hart The sound of leadership.pdf

999.3 KB

Hearden Roosevelt confronts Hitler.pdf

1.1 MB

Hendrickson Union, nation, or empire.pdf

148.6 KB

Hendrickson collective review- a dissenter%27s guide to foreign policy.pdf

5.4 MB

Henry- Stephen Girard- 1918 Catholic Historical Review.pdf

3.4 MB

Hess Through their eyes foreign correspondents in the United States.pdf

237.1 KB

Hobsbawm Nations and nationalism since 1780.pdf

1.1 MB

Hobsbawm The Invention of tradition.pdf

728.4 KB

Hofstadter The American political tradition and the men who made it.pdf

4.6 MB

Huntington Who are we.pdf

2.4 MB


733.9 KB

Integrating the Issue of Race into the History of Christianity in America- An Essay-Review of Ahlstrom, Marty, Handy.pdf

7.6 MB

J Am Acad Relig-2010-Schultz-129-62 copy.pdf

234.8 KB

Jaffa Crisis of the house divided.pdf

1.0 MB

Jervis-KuklickRoundtable copy.pdf

162.2 KB

Johnson The Political Role of Religion in the United States.pdf

765.2 KB

Jon Butler- Theory and God in Gotham.pdf

5.2 MB

Jowett Propaganda and persuasion.pdf

1.2 MB

Kagan Dangerous nation.pdf

545.1 KB

Kammen Mystic chords of memory.pdf

689.7 KB

Kearney The British Isles.pdf

715.3 KB

Kennan American Diplomacy.pdf

551.7 KB

Kimball The Juggler.pdf

756.7 KB

Kissinger Diplomacy- Howard review.pdf

3.4 MB

Kissinger Diplomacy.pdf

1.8 MB

Knott Alexander Hamilton and the persistence of myth.pdf

839.6 KB

Kohn Prophets and peoples.pdf

875.8 KB

Kressel Mass hate.pdf

2.1 MB

Kristol, Reviewing Reagan%27s Reviewers.pdf

152.0 KB

Kuklick A history of philosophy in America.pdf

953.9 KB

Kuklick Blind Oracles Roundtable- Suri.pdf

123.2 KB

Kuklick Blind oracles- Foreign Affairs.pdf

975.9 KB

Kuklick Blind oracles.pdf

1.0 MB

Kuklick The Good Ruler.pdf

1.1 MB

Kuklick- syllabus- creating american history.pdf

18.6 KB

Kuklick- war and diplomacy syllabus.pdf

14.9 KB

Kuklick-Response copy.pdf

82.1 KB

Kurth- The Protestant Deformation of American Foreign Policy.pdf

2.7 MB

LaFeber America, Russia, and the Cold War.pdf

957.3 KB

LaFeber The American age.pdf

1.7 MB

Langley The Americas in the age of revolution.pdf

505.8 KB

Lanney and Diethorn- Philly Bible Riots.pdf

1.6 MB

Lannie- Alienation in America- The Immigrant Catholic and Public Education in Pre-Civil War.pdf

925.2 KB

Larkin- thomas paine and the new literature of revolutionary politics.pdf

9.8 MB

Larson Summer for the gods.pdf

3.7 MB

Leffler Specter of Communism.pdf

982.9 KB

Lincoln the American- 1922 NYTimes article.pdf

450.8 KB

Longmore The invention of George Washington.pdf

781.5 KB

Longmore- Pauline Maier review- The invention of George Washington. .pdf

3.6 MB


1.2 MB

Making a Nation%27s Flag Sacred.pdf

1.0 MB

Marty Religion and Republic- The American Circumstance.pdf

1.0 MB

Marty Religion and the republic.pdf

1.1 MB

Marty a nation of behavors.pdf

820.0 KB

Marx Faith in Nation- Anthony D Smith review.pdf

3.9 MB

May Homeward bound.pdf

1.2 MB

Mazower Dark Continent copy.pdf

3.6 MB

Mazower Dark Continent.pdf

759.0 KB

McD Can the US Do Grand Strategy.pdf

2.0 MB

McD- Religion in World Affairs, Orbis.pdf

1.9 MB

McDonald The American presidency.pdf

1.0 MB

McDougall-Review of May on NSC 68.pdf

628.7 KB

McDougall.ConstitutionalHistoryUSForeignPolicy copy.pdf

1.9 MB


841.5 KB

McNeill, William Hardy. Polyethnicity and national unity in world history.pdf

546.6 KB

McPherson Battle cry of freedom.pdf

1.7 MB

Menand The Metaphysical Club.pdf

649.9 KB

Meyer -Kammen review- Myths in stone.pdf

1.3 MB

Meyer Myths in Stone.pdf

944.0 KB

Morgan American slavery american freedom.pdf

1.2 MB

Morgan Inventing the people.pdf

989.0 KB

Morgan The Birth of the Republic.pdf

1.1 MB

Morgan the Puritan Dilemma.pdf

729.3 KB

Morgan, Edmund S- Inventing the People- review.pdf

403.9 KB

Morris Theodore Rex.pdf

939.8 KB

Moseley John Winthrop%E2%80%99s world.pdf

725.9 KB

Mosse Masses and man.pdf

654.2 KB

Moyn The last utopia.pdf

182.2 KB

Nairn Faces of nationalism.pdf

990.3 KB

Nelson Who Speaks for the President.pdf

1.2 MB

Newman The rise of English nationalism.pdf

702.1 KB

Nickovitch review of Stephanson and Hixon- re Kennan.pdf

2.0 MB

Noll America%E2%80%99s God.pdf

1.2 MB

Novak On Two Wings.pdf

1.1 MB

O%27Reilly- Geneologies of the Atlantic World.pdf

601.9 KB

Onuf Jefferson%E2%80%99s empire.pdf

963.9 KB

Osterdorf- nation with the soul of a church.pdf

1.1 MB

Pagden Lords of all the world.pdf

728.7 KB

Pagden The Idea of Europe.pdf

823.0 KB

Paine, Reagan, H-Diplo roundtable review.pdf

308.4 KB

Parish- Daniel Webster, New England, and the West.pdf

7.7 MB

Pittock Scottish nationality.pdf

1.1 MB

Pitts A turn to empire.pdf

1.0 MB

Political Research Quarterly-2008-Fong-660-70 copy.pdf

180.5 KB

Religion and Politics 2004-2007.pdf

4.9 MB

Renda Taking Haiti- OAH review.pdf

565.4 KB

Renda Taking Haiti.pdf

1.9 MB

Richey American Civil Religion.pdf

499.6 KB

Rogers Smith- Religious rhetoric.pdf

146.9 KB

Sarna Minority faiths and the American Protestant mainstream.pdf

913.4 KB

Schlesinger The imperial presidency- Russell Kirk review.pdf

858.1 KB

Schlesinger The imperial presidency- presidency studies comparison.pdf

1.9 MB

Schlesinger The imperial presidency- war powers review.pdf

3.3 MB

Schlesinger The imperial presidency.pdf

1.1 MB

Schlesinger The vital center.pdf

909.1 KB

Schmidt Holy fairs- Mark A Noll review.pdf

1.1 MB

Schmidt Holy fairs.pdf

1.1 MB

Schulze The course of German nationalism.pdf

1.0 MB

Sebald On the Natural History of Destruction.pdf

502.1 KB

Seward- Cicero quote - rome%27s not populist.pdf

781.9 KB

Shafer Nationalism- Myth and reality.pdf

911.3 KB

Shanks Civil society, civil religion.pdf

775.1 KB

Silk Spiritual Politics.pdf

754.6 KB

Smelser The myth of the Eastern Front.pdf

148.1 KB

Smith Virgin Land.pdf

1.2 MB

Smith stories of peoplehood.pdf

894.3 KB

SoulofMankind-Roundtable copy.pdf

428.7 KB

Stephanson-KuklickRoundtable copy.pdf

93.5 KB

Trachtenberg A constructed peace.pdf

1.2 MB

Trachtenberg The craft of international history.pdf

780.8 KB

Verhoeven Revolutionary histories.pdf

70.3 KB

Waldron review.pdf

4.9 MB

Walker.ANNENBERG.March2012 copy.pdf

241.0 KB


0.5 KB

Ward Andrew Jackson symbol for an age.pdf

728.4 KB

Ward Andrew Jackson.pdf

1.3 MB

Webster- Bercovitch- Hawthorne%27s Morality of Compromise.pdf

2.4 MB

Webster- Conrad- Metaphor and Imagination in James WIlson%27s theory of federal union.pdf

2.0 MB

Webster- Conrad- Polite Foundation- Citizenship and Common Sense in James Wilson%27s Republican Theory.pdf

779.9 KB

Webster- Fields- reply to hayne.pdf

678.5 KB

Webster- the Americanism of Lincoln (1890).pdf

44.7 KB

Wilkinson- Nationalism and its Consequences- a review- incl Smith Myths and Memories of the Nation.pdf

985.7 KB

Williams The tragedy of American diplomacy.pdf

929.9 KB

Williams- Gaddis review of WIlliams, The Tragedy of Cold War History- Reflections on Revisionism.pdf

5.0 MB

Wills Lincoln at Gettysburg- Ferguson review.pdf

998.1 KB

Wills Lincoln at Gettysburg- Neely review.pdf

1.1 MB

Wolf Europe and the people without history.pdf

1.1 MB

Woodward the comparative approach to American history.pdf

3.8 MB

Young Vietnam Wars cf Hearden and Errington.pdf

1.5 MB

Young Vietnam Wars.pdf

1.4 MB

Zuckerman- Review of the Invention of Comfort.pdf

2.8 MB

Zuckerman- exceptionalism after all- or, the perils of postcolonialism.pdf

1.1 MB

sargent- conservative covenantwebster-.pdf

2.1 MB


Total files 218

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