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/Psicología/Conductismo (Teoría)/

Barnett - The rat - A Study in Behaviour (1963).pdf

150.7 MB

Domjan - The Principles of Learning and Behavior (2006).pdf

64.1 MB

Craske, Hermans, Vansteenwegen - Fear and Learning (2006).pdf

18.3 MB

Skinner - Verbal Behavior (1957).pdf

11.1 MB

Mills - Control - A history of behavioral psychology (1998).pdf

9.3 MB

Pierce - Behavior Analysis and Learning (2004).pdf

6.6 MB

Skinner - Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1971).pdf

1.9 MB

Skinner - Science and Human Behavior (1953).pdf

1.7 MB

Skinner - Sobre el Conductismo (1994).pdf

877.5 KB

Skinner - Walden dos (1948).pdf

783.1 KB

Tolman - Conductismo molar e intencional (1959).pdf

79.3 KB

/Psicología/Evaluación Psicológica/

Tourangeau - Psychology of survey response (2004).pdf

147.0 MB

Groth-Marnat - Handbook of psychological assessment (2003).pdf

9.2 MB

Lopez, Snyder - Positive psychological assessment (2003).pdf

5.8 MB

Gonzalez Llanesa - Instrumentos de Evaluacion Psicologica (2007).pdf

1.8 MB

Lam, Michalak, Swinson - Assessment scales in depression, mania and anxiety (2005).pdf

1.0 MB

/.../Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/Tercera Ola/

Linehan - Cognitive-Behavioral therapy for personality desorders (1993).pdf

119.9 MB

Kanter, Tsai, Kohlenberg - The Practice of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (2010).pdf

5.3 MB

Martell, Dimidjian, Herman-Dunn - Behavioral activation for depression - A clinician’s guide (2010).pdf

2.9 MB

Hayes, Follette, Linehan - Mindfulness and Acceptance (2004).pdf

2.9 MB

Wells - Metacognitive Therapy For Anxiety And Depression (2009).pdf

2.9 MB

Wells - Emotional Disorders and Metacognition (2000).pdf

2.8 MB

Ryle - Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy (2002).pdf

2.8 MB

Miller, Rathus, Linehan - Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents (2007).pdf

2.1 MB

Tsai, Kohlenberg, et al. - A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (2009).pdf

2.0 MB

Cooper, Todd, Wells - Treating bulimia nervosa and binge eating - An integrated metacognitive and cognitive therapy manual (2009).pdf

1.5 MB

Kanter et al. - Behavioral activation distinctive features (2009).pdf

1.5 MB

Hayes, Smith - Get out of your mind and into your life - The new acceptance and commitment therapy (2005).pdf

1.4 MB

Fisher, Wells - Metacognitive therapy distinctive features (2009).pdf

1.4 MB

Hayes et al. - Acceptance and commitment therapy an experiential approach to behavior change (2003).pdf

1.3 MB

/Psicología/Varios - Teoría/

Ekman - Como detectar mentiras (2001).pdf

95.4 MB

Piaget, Chomsky - Teoria del lenguaje. Teoria del aprendizaje (1979).pdf

82.0 MB

Freedheim, Weiner - Handbook of psychology Volume 1, History of Psychology (2003).pdf

79.4 MB

Wolinsky - The Beginner's Guide to Quantum Psychology (2000).pdf

41.6 MB

Rogers - On Becoming a Person (1961).pdf

34.7 MB

Evans, Zarate - Introducing Evolutionary Psychology (1999).pdf

29.3 MB

Ekman, Davidson - The Nature of Emotion (1994).pdf

25.9 MB

Lazarus - Stress and emotion a new synthesis (1999).pdf

19.2 MB

Smith - Motivation and personality (1992).pdf

13.4 MB

Strickland - The Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology (2001).pdf

10.9 MB

Kantowitz, et al. - Experimental Psychology (9th ed, 2009).pdf

10.8 MB

Wilson - Quantum Psychology How Brain Software Programs You and Your World (1999).pdf

8.4 MB

Blanck - Interpersonal expectations theory, research, and applications (1993).pdf

8.1 MB

Taylor - Disorders of affect regulation (1999).pdf

7.9 MB

Lerner, Steinberg - Handbook of adolescent psychology (2004).pdf

7.6 MB

Piaget - Inteligencia y Afectividad (1954).pdf

6.9 MB

Yun Dai, Sternberg - Motivation, emotion, and cognition (2004).pdf

5.9 MB

Burger - Personality (8ed).pdf

5.4 MB

Corr, Matthews - The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (2009).pdf

4.4 MB

Ekman - Emotions Revealed (2003).pdf

4.4 MB

Wegner - The illusion of conscious will (2002).pdf

4.2 MB

Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, Roche - Relational Frame Theory (2001).pdf

3.6 MB

Bruner - Actos de significado (1990).pdf

3.4 MB

Reisberg, Hertel - Memory and Emotion (2004).pdf

3.0 MB

Pinker - La Tabla Rasa (2002).pdf

2.6 MB

Piaget - Estudios de Psicologia Genetica (1972).pdf

2.4 MB

Seashore - Elementary Experiments in Psychology (1909).djvu

2.1 MB

Goleman - Inteligencia Social.pdf

1.9 MB

Ekman - Expresiones Faciales de la Emocion (1979).pdf

1.7 MB

Evans, Farberow - The encyclopedia of suicide (2003).pdf

1.3 MB

Frankl - Man's search for meaning (1946).pdf

1.2 MB

Goleman - La inteligencia Emocional en la Practica (1998).pdf

1.1 MB

Vygotsky - Pensamiento y Lenguaje (1934).pdf

1.0 MB

Foucault - Historia de la Locura en la Epoca Clasica II (1964).pdf

832.0 KB

Mandler - A history of modem experimental psychology (2007).pdf

777.7 KB

Vigotsky - La Imaginacion y el Arte en la Infancia (1930).doc

617.0 KB

Foucault - Historia de la Locura en la Epoca Clasica I (1964).pdf

601.6 KB

Eysenck - Decadencia y caida del Imperio Freudiano (1985).pdf

571.6 KB

Allport - Que es la Personalidad.pdf

377.9 KB

Piaget - Psicologia y Pedagogia.pdf

357.8 KB

Piaget - Seis Estudios de Psicologia.pdf

170.6 KB

Ekman - Facial Expression and Emotion (1993).doc

143.9 KB

Piaget - Inteligencia y Adaptacion Biologica.pdf

62.8 KB

/Psicología/Varios - Clínica/

Mace - Psychotherapy Of Psychosis (1997).pdf

76.0 MB

Riggio - Applications of Nonverbal Communication (2005).pdf

20.9 MB

Snyder, Lopez - Positive psychology the scientific and practical explorations of human strengths (2007).pdf

19.1 MB

Minuchin, Fishman - Family therapy techniques (1981).pdf

16.6 MB

Close - Metaphor in psychotherapy (1998).pdf

11.9 MB

Hersen, Sledge - Encyclopedia Of Psychotherapy (2002).pdf

11.8 MB

Coombs - Handbook of addictive disorders (2004).pdf

10.8 MB

APA - DSM-IV (Castellano, 1995).pdf

9.6 MB

Nathan, Gorman - A guide to treatments that work (2002).djvu

8.8 MB

Linley, Joseph - Positive psychology in practice (2004).djvu

8.2 MB

Norcross, Goldfried - Handbook of psychotherapy integration (2005).pdf

7.7 MB

Baldwin - An Atlas of Depression (2002).pdf

7.3 MB

Barlow - Anxiety and Its Disorders - The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic (2004).pdf

5.6 MB

Magnavita, Jeffrey - Handbook Of Personality Disorders Theory And Practice (2004).pdf

5.5 MB

Treasure et al. - Handbook of Eating Disorders (2003).pdf

5.2 MB

Antony, Barlow - Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders (2002).pdf

5.0 MB

Grilo, Mitchell - The treatment of eating disorders a clinical handbook (2010).pdf

5.0 MB

Stefan, Travis, Murray - An Atlas of Schitzophrenia (2002) .pdf

4.8 MB

Millon et al. - Contemporary directions in psychopathology (2010).pdf

4.5 MB

Yager, Powers - Clinical manual of eating disorders (2007).pdf

4.3 MB

Harway - Handbook of couples therapy (2005).pdf

4.2 MB

Blatner - Acting-in practical applications of psychodramatic methods (1996).pdf

3.9 MB

Leenaars - Psychotherapy with Suicidal People - A Person-centred Approach (2004).pdf

3.9 MB

Miller, Rollnick - Motivational Interviewing (2002).pdf

3.6 MB

Klonoff - Psychotherapy after brain injury - Principles and techniques (2010).pdf

3.5 MB

Millon et al. - Personality disorders in modern life (2004).pdf

3.5 MB

Shapiro, Kaslow, Maxfield - Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes (2007).pdf

3.4 MB

Miller - Evidence-based addiction treatment (2009).pdf

3.0 MB

Morris - Bodytalk - The Meaning of Human Gestures (1995).pdf

3.0 MB

Gleeson - Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis - A treatment Handbook (2004).pdf

2.9 MB

Maj - Schizophernia (2nd ed, 2002).pdf

2.7 MB

Dattilio, Jongsma, Davis - The family therapy treatment planner (2010).pdf

2.7 MB

Lebow - Handbook of Clinical Family Therapy (2005).pdf

2.7 MB

Chiles, Strosahl - Clinical manual for assessment and treatment of suicidal patients (2005).pdf

2.6 MB

Blair, Mitchell, Blair - The psychopath emotion and the brain (2005).pdf

2.1 MB

Burrows - International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis (2001).pdf

1.9 MB

Bateman, Fonagy - Psychotherapy for BPD - Mentalization-based treatment (2004).pdf

1.9 MB

Shapiro - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing basic principles, protocols, and procedures (2001).pdf

1.8 MB

Millie - Anti-social Behaviour (2009).pdf

1.7 MB

Arkowitz - Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems (2008).pdf

1.6 MB

Belmont - 103 Group Activities and TIPS for the Therapeutic Toolbox (2006).pdf

1.5 MB

Belmont - 86 Treatment Ideas & Practical Strategies for the Therapeutic Toolbox (2006).pdf

1.4 MB

Stevens - El Darse Cuenta (1971).pdf

1.3 MB

Selekman - Collaborative brief therapy with children (2005).pdf

1.1 MB

Corcoran - Clinical applications of evidence-based family interventions (2003).pdf

1.0 MB


Everitt - Statistics for psychologists (2001).pdf

59.5 MB

Sampieri - Metodologia de la Investigacion (4ta ed, 2006).pdf

46.3 MB

Coolican - Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (1994).pdf

26.1 MB

Cowles - Statistics in psychology an historical perspective (2001).pdf

14.9 MB

Shaughnessy, et. al. - Research Methods In Psychology (9th ed, 2012).pdf

11.1 MB

Bakeman, Robinson - Understanding statistics in the behavioral science (2005).pdf

7.1 MB

Howell - Statistical Methods For Psychology (2007).pdf

5.7 MB

Miles, Banyard - Understanding and Using Statistics in Psychology (2007).pdf

3.7 MB

Freeman, Tyrer - Research Methods in Psychiatry (2006).pdf

2.2 MB

Hinton - Statistics explained (2004).pdf

1.4 MB

McInerney - Publishing Your Psychology Research (2001).pdf

968.2 KB

/.../Neurología, Neuropsicología y Psiquiatría/

Kalat - Biological Psychology (10th ed, 2009).pdf

43.0 MB

Dale, Purves - Neuroscience (3rd ed, 2004) - .pdf

34.8 MB

Kolb - Fundametals of Human NeuroPsychology.pdf

21.2 MB

Lichtenberg et al. - Handbook of dementia psychological, neurological, and psychiatric perspectives (2003).pdf

14.1 MB

Kiesler - Beyond the disease model of mental disorders (1999).pdf

13.8 MB

Damasio - Descartes' error emotion, reason, and the human brain (1994).pdf

13.3 MB

Stahl - Essential psychopharmacology neuroscientific basis and practical application (2000).djvu

11.3 MB

Baddeley, Kopelman, Wilson - The handbook memory disorders (2002).pdf

9.5 MB

Robertson - Synesthesia - Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) .pdf

9.3 MB

Frith - The Cognitive Neuropsychology Of Schizophrenia (1992).pdf

8.5 MB

Benedet - Neuropsicologia Cognitiva (2002).pdf

7.2 MB

Buccafusco - Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience (2001).pdf

6.8 MB

Dayan, Abbott - Theoretical Neuroscience Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (2000).pdf

6.8 MB

O'Reilly - Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience.djvu

6.6 MB

Panksepp - Textbook of biological psychiatry (2004).pdf

5.3 MB

Goldstein - Clinical Neuropsychology A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management for Clinicians (2004) .pdf

5.2 MB

Gilman, Manji - Oxford American handbook of neurology (2010).pdf

5.0 MB

Riccio, Sullivan, Cohen - Neuropsychological assessment and intervention for childhood and adolescent disorders (2010).pdf

4.4 MB

D'Esposito - Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience (2003).pdf

4.2 MB

Molina - Aspectos Cognitivos Del Cerebro (2002).doc

3.9 MB

Sociedad de Neurociencia - Hechos del Cerebro.pdf

3.8 MB

Davidson - Anxiety, Depression, and Emotion (2000).chm

3.6 MB

Rodríguez - Estimulacion Cognitiva - Guia y Material para la Intervencion (2002).pdf

3.1 MB

Scott - Neuroscience A Mathematical Primer (2002).djvu

2.8 MB

Preston et al. - Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists (1997).djvu

2.5 MB

Bravo - Psicofarmacologia para psicologos (2002).pdf

2.3 MB

Cooper - Classifying Madness - A philosophical examination of the DSM (2005).pdf

2.2 MB

Wilson - Memory rehabilitation integrating theory and practice (2009).pdf

1.9 MB

Damasio - Self comes to mind (2010).pdf

1.8 MB

Marangell, Martinez - Concise Guide to Psychopharmacology (2006).pdf

1.6 MB

Maj et al. - Psychiatric Diagnosis and classification (2002).pdf

1.5 MB

Vasterling, Brewin - Neuropsychology of PTSD (2005).pdf

1.3 MB

Vanderwolf - The Evolving Brain - The Mind and the Neural Control of Behavior (2007).pdf

842.9 KB

Romero, Vázquez - Actualización en Neuropsicología Clínica (2002).pdf

560.2 KB

/.../Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/

O'donohue, Fisher - General Principles and Empirically Supported Techniques of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2009).pdf

39.6 MB

Lyddon, Jones - Empirically supported cognitive therapies (2001).pdf

30.7 MB

Donohue, Kitchener - Handbook of Behaviorism (1999).pdf

27.3 MB

Leahy, Dowd - Clinical advances in cognitive psychotherapy theory and application (2002).pdf

26.9 MB

Graham, Copello - Cognitive-behavioural integrated treatment (C-BIT) (2004).pdf

25.5 MB

Kazantzis - Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (2005).pdf

23.5 MB

Farmer, Chapman - Behavioral Interventions in cognitive behavioral therapy (2008) .pdf

20.5 MB

O'Donohue - Behavioral integrative care treatments that work in the primary care setting (2005).pdf

18.6 MB

Craske, Hermans, Vansteenwegen - Fear and learning from basic processes to clinical implications (2006).pdf

18.3 MB

Beck, Freeman - Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad (2006).pdf

12.5 MB

Perkins, Conklin, Levine - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation (2005).pdf

11.7 MB

Ellis - Overcoming resistance a rational emotive behavior therapy integrated approach (2002).pdf

11.6 MB

Richard, Lauterbach - Handbook of Exposure Therapies (2006).pdf

10.6 MB

Payne - Técnicas de Relajacion (2002).pdf

9.4 MB

Raphael, Wilson - Psychological Debriefing (2003).pdf

7.3 MB

Driscoll - Simple Treatments For Complex Problems (2004).pdf

7.1 MB

Neenan, Dryden - CBT An A–Z of Persuasive Arguments (2002).pdf

6.6 MB

Mallot, Tillema, Glenn - Behavior analysis and behavior modification (1978).pdf

6.0 MB

Ledley, Marx, Heimberg - Making cognitive-behavioral therapy work clinical process for new practitioners (2005).pdf

5.8 MB

Barlow - Anxiety and Its Disorders - The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic (2nd ed, 2002).pdf

5.6 MB

Beck - Cognitive therapy basics and beyond (1995).djvu

5.2 MB

Barlow - Clinical handbook of psychological disorders (2008).pdf

5.2 MB

Clark, Beck - Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders science and practice (2010).pdf

4.8 MB

Sturmey - Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment (2007).pdf

4.6 MB

Sperry - Cognitive behavior therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders (2006).pdf

4.5 MB

Miltenberg - Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures (4th ed, 2008) - .pdf

4.5 MB

Reinecke, Dattilio, Freeman - Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents (2006).pdf

4.1 MB

Moore - Cognitive Therapy for chronic and persistent depression (2003).pdf

3.6 MB

Friedberg, McClure, Hillwig Garcia - Cognitive therapy techniques for children and adolescents (2009).pdf

3.5 MB

Dugas, Robichaud - Cognitive behavioral treatment for generalized anxiety disorder_from science to practice (2007).pdf

3.4 MB

Dobson - Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies (2010).pdf

3.3 MB

Beck - Cognitive therapy for challenging problems (2005).pdf

3.1 MB

Bond, Dryden - Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (2002).pdf

3.1 MB

Sturney - Behavioral Case Formulation and Intervention (2008).pdf

3.1 MB

Heimberg, Becker - Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for social phobia (2002).djvu

3.0 MB

Beck - Prisoners of hate the cognitive basis of anger, hostility, and violence (2000).djvu

3.0 MB

Beck et al. - Cognitive therapy of depression (1979).djvu

3.0 MB

Hoffman, Otto - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (2008).pdf

2.7 MB

Hoyt - Interviews with brief therapy experts (2001).djvu

2.7 MB

Beck - Anxiety disorders and phobias (1985).djvu

2.6 MB

Perlis et al. - Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Of Insomnia (2005).pdf

2.5 MB

Kingdon, Turkington - The case study guide to cognitive behaviour therapy of psychosis (2002).pdf

2.4 MB

Leahy - Contemporary Cognitive Therapy Theory, Research, and Practice (2004).pdf

2.4 MB

Bennett-Levy - Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy (2004).pdf

2.1 MB

Gilbert, Leahy - The therapeutic relationship in the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies (2007).pdf

2.1 MB

Einstein - Innovations and advances in cognitive-behaviour therapy (2007).pdf

2.0 MB

Donohue, Fisher, Hayes - Cognitive behavior therapy applying empirically supported techniques in your practice (2003).pdf

2.0 MB

Freeman - Encyclopedia Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2005).pdf

2.0 MB

Persons - The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (2008).pdf

1.8 MB

Dryden, Branch - The fundamentals of rational emotive behaviour therapy (2008).pdf

1.7 MB

Young, Klosko, Weishaar - Schema Therapy a Practitioners Guide (2003).pdf

1.7 MB

Rimondini - Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2011).pdf

1.6 MB

Kingdon, Turkington - Cognitive-behavioral therapy of schizophrenia (1996).djvu

1.6 MB

Basco, Rush - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder (2005).pdf

1.4 MB

Taylor, Asmunson - Treating Health Anxiety A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (2004).pdf

1.4 MB

Meichenbaum - Manual de inoculacion de estres (1987).pdf

1.4 MB

Cipani, Schock - Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment (2007).pdf

1.3 MB

Alford, Beck - The integrative power of cognitive therapy (1997).djvu

1.2 MB

Yiend - Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology (2004).pdf

1.1 MB

Ramsay, Reynolds, Kamphaus - Essentials of Behavioral Assessment (2002).pdf

869.6 KB

Neenan, Dryden - Cognitive therapy 100 key points (2004).pdf

610.0 KB

Kearney - Understanding applied behavior analysis (2008).pdf

540.6 KB

/Psicología/Cognitiva (Teoría)/

Eysenck, Keane - Cognitive Psychology (2000).pdf

36.6 MB

Matthews - Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion (1997).pdf

35.8 MB

Goldstein - Cognitive Psychology (2005).pdf

20.3 MB

Varios autores - Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology.pdf

13.5 MB

Braisby, Gellatly - Cognitive psychology (2005).pdf

11.6 MB

Dai, Sternberg - Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition (2004).pdf

2.7 MB

Gardner - Estructuras de la mente, Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples (1983).pdf

2.3 MB

Andrade, May - Cognitive Psychology (2004).pdf

1.7 MB

Uttal - The War between Mentalism and Behaviorism (2000).chm

551.5 KB

Hergenhahn (Introduction to the History of Psychology) - Cognitive Psychology.pdf

459.9 KB


Popper - Conjeturas y Refutaciones (1963).PDF

31.1 MB

Popper - La Logica de la Investigacion Cientifica (1934).pdf

25.1 MB

Putnam - Representation and Reality (1991).pdf

22.8 MB

Feyerabend - Tratado contra el metodo (1975).pdf

17.5 MB

Adorno - Epistemologia Y Ciencias Sociales (1972).pdf

7.2 MB

Lakatos - Historia de la Ciencia y sus Reconstrucciones Racionales (1971).pdf

7.0 MB

Schopenhauer - El Mundo Como Voluntad y Representacion (1819).doc

2.7 MB

Kant - Critica de la Razón Pura (1781).pdf

2.5 MB

Dancy - Introducción a la epistemología contemporánea (1985).pdf

2.4 MB

Lakatos - Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes (1970).pdf

2.2 MB

Vigilar y Castigar - Foucault (1975).pdf

1.9 MB

Lakatos - La Metodologia de los Programas de Investigacion Cientifica (1978).doc

1.6 MB

Hume - Tratado de la naturaleza humana (1739).pdf

1.4 MB

Davidson - Problems of Rationality (2004).pdf

1.3 MB

Kuhn - La Estructura de las Revoluciones Cientificas (1962).pdf

1.2 MB

Wittgenstein - Investigaciones Filosóficas (1958).doc

1.1 MB

Ryle - El concepto de lo mental (1949).doc

1.1 MB

Wittgenstein - Tractatus logico-philosophicus (1918) .pdf

1.1 MB

Locke - An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (Volume I, 1690).txt

871.1 KB

Locke - An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (Volume II, 1690).txt

739.5 KB

Kant - Critica de la razon practica (1788).pdf

539.5 KB

Habermas - Ciencia Y Tecnica Como Ideologia (1968).pdf

528.4 KB

Weber - Politica y Ciencia.pdf

438.8 KB

Piaget - Psicologia y Epistemologia (1970).doc

438.8 KB

Aristoteles - Acerca del Alma.pdf

424.2 KB

Lefebvre - El Materialismo Dialectico.pdf

419.2 KB

Bunge - Ser Saber Hacer (2002).pdf

396.7 KB

Berkeley - Principios del Conocimiento Humano (1710).pdf

360.7 KB

Russell - El panorama de la ciencia (1988).rtf

303.8 KB

Hempel - La teoria de la verdad de los positivistas logicos (1935).pdf

242.5 KB

Samaja - Los caminos del conocimiento.pdf

239.8 KB

Descartes - Discurso del Metodo (1637).pdf

223.9 KB

Bunge - La Ciencia su metodo y su Filosofia.pdf

189.1 KB

Aristóteles - Del Sentido y lo Sensible de la Memoria y el Recuerdo.pdf

188.5 KB

Sartre - Bosquejo De Una Teoria de las Emociones.pdf

183.8 KB

Descartes - Meditaciones Metafisicas (1641).pdf

122.6 KB

Yébenes - El empirismo y su método (2000).pdf

120.6 KB

Kant - Nueva Dilucidación de los Primeros Principios del Conocimiento Metafisico (1755).pdf

117.0 KB

García - Epistemologia y Teoría del Conocimiento (2006).pdf

96.4 KB

Skinner - El Analisis Operacional De Los Terminos Psicologicos (1945).PDF

88.4 KB

Feyerabend - Como defender a la sociedad de la ciencia.rtf

87.6 KB

Moya Cantero - Aland D. Sokal, Thomas S. Kuhn y la epistemología moderna (2000).pdf

85.2 KB

Yébenes - Objetivismo Absoluto (2002).pdf

84.3 KB

Feyerabend - El realismo y la historicidad del conocimiento (1989).htm

71.5 KB

Wittgenstein - Conversaciones sobre Freud (1942).doc

68.1 KB

Weber - La objetividad cognitiva de la ciencia social.pdf

56.9 KB

Rodriguez Gonzalez - Por qué no deshacernos del problema mente-cuerpo... (2004) .pdf

27.6 KB


Taylor, Peplau, Sears - Social Psychology (12th ed, 2006).pdf

31.0 MB

Abelson - Experiments With People - Revelations From Social Psychology (2004).pdf

21.4 MB

Montero - Teoria y Practica de la Psicologia Comunitaria (2003).pdf

8.9 MB

Nuñez-Alonso - Manual Psicologia Social (2002).pdf

2.7 MB

Munne - La Psicologia Social como ciencia teorica (2008).PDF

1.7 MB

Musitu y Otros - Introduccion a la Psicologia Comunitaria (2004).pdf

1.2 MB


Lacan - Seminarios.rar

25.1 MB

Freud - Obras Completas (Traducción Ballesteros).pdf

15.3 MB

Winnicott - Obras Completas.pdf

12.6 MB

Jung - La Psicologia De La Transferencia.pdf

9.6 MB

Jung - Teoría del Psicoanálisis.pdf

9.2 MB

Mancia - Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience (2006).pdf

4.0 MB

APA - Una Revisión de puertas abiertas de los estudios de resultados en psicoanálisis (2000).doc

2.3 MB

Jung - Psicologia y Alquimia.pdf

1.1 MB

Jung y Wilhelm - El secreto de la flor de oro.pdf

1.1 MB

Jung - Los Complejos y el Inconsciente.pdf

913.0 KB

Jung y Otros - Encuentro con la Sombra.pdf

833.9 KB

Jung - Psicología y Religión.pdf

739.0 KB

Jung - Lo Inconsciente en la Vida Psiquica Normal y Patololica.pdf

344.0 KB

Fromm - Caminos Hacia La Salud Mental.RTF

248.4 KB

Jung - Presente y Futuro.pdf

187.7 KB


de Vega - La psicologia cognitiva, ensayo sobre un paradigma en transformacion (1998).pdf

1.1 MB

Merello - Técnicas Cognitivo-Conductuales.pdf

524.3 KB

Chomsky - A Reply To Piaget.pdf

423.0 KB

Portillo - Terapia Cognitiva (2005).pdf

333.6 KB

Chomsky - The Psychology Of Language And Thought (Plenum, 1983).pdf

83.8 KB


Software para abrir los libros.txt

0.5 KB


Total files 309

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